Saturday, July 4, 2009

Detox Lemon Diet and Its Appeal

If you are in search of a detox method that is simple yet fast and effective, then you may want to try the detox lemon diet made widely popular by Beyonce. This diet is merely a simple drink consisting of a blend of organic syrup, fresh lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and water. (Grab the Detox Lemon Diet Recipe Here) Depending on where you are and your local market, you can choose from a variety of syrups. I have only made this detox drink with maple syrup- but others work just as well. The importance of the syrup from its mixture is the source of balanced minerals and vitamins necessary.

As the name implies, this diet will surely help you get rid of those unhealthy toxins and compounds from your body. The real appeal with this detox diet is that its easy, its inexpensive, its been proven to work, it takes great, and is super easy. It allows the body to release harmful toxin that it has been storing. It normalizes your appetite and metabolism so your body can comfortably adjust to it's ideal weight for your size naturally.

Because this diet requires the dieter to cut back on solid foods, the body gets its energy from the natural sugars of the syrup. These natural sugars help the body hold back hunger which it may experience because of the restricted diet. With just one 12 ounce glass of the blended drink, approximately 70 calories is absorbed by the body, together with zinc and calcium. All these elements are taken in by the body in the right amount as considered necessary for an individual.

As soon as you start the diet your body will begin a process of rapid detoxing and rejuvenation. The changes you'll experience will happen fast--so fast you're bound to get the wow response from people you know. You'll cleanse and detox your entire body--the pounds of waste built up over the years will be released in just 10 days. To be able to increase the blood flow and accelerate the discharge of these unwanted substances from the body; many dietitians suggest that the diet should be accompanied by simple exercises as well.

After refraining from solid foods for a few days (up to 10 days max), it is advisable to gradually go back to the normal eating habit. The resumption should not be abrupt because it may seriously harm the body. Slowly integrate soft foods into your diet in addition to the liquids and the fruits that you are eating for the past few days.

As believed, the detox lemon diet can offer an easy and pleasant alternative to many harsh detox and colon cleansing products. Today’s researches that lay down the advantages and disadvantages of the diet are very much effective for the better understanding of this regimen. If you are planning to embark on this program, you should allot a time to discuss the matter with your doctor so that you may be properly advised if this treatment will be beneficial for your condition.

The lemon detox diet is very appealing, especially to those who are not well-informed regarding the matter of cleansing. To those who do not have enough knowledge regarding this kind of diet, they may see it as their hope to lose weight, which is can but it is so much more. Take the time to study and read up all its benefits and or negatives as it relates to you and your body and always heed precautionary signs from your body!

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